Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where have I been? (pt.2)

Continuing where I left off...

I decided not to pursue a relationship with the girl I'd been corresponding with. Which so began one of the surrealist episodes of my life. I tried to make a clean and honorable break, although, in all fairness, there's not really a nice way to say, "sorry, I think you're bat shit crazy and you scare the bejesus out of me."

This girl was what I call a "big deal on the internet" e.g. she has lots of cyber friends (none of whom she'd ever met in person, as far as I know). She started a campaign to isolate me on the most prominent transgender dating sites. She did this a number of ways, most notably by befriending girls in my area to "warn" them about me, which I found particularly disingenuous consider in several instances, I knew for a fact that she, in actuality, seriously disliked her new "friends." I quickly found myself being drawn into a internet PR war, which I decided to avoid by lowering my profile in cyberland. In other words, I was bullied off the internet.

Needless to say, the whole situation was rather stressful, but what was really the most difficult part was that I found several acquaintances, who I considered friends (as much as you can people you know via the internet) took her "side" in the drama of this internet "break-up"

The truly bizarre thing is, even though this person has since be "publicly" shown to be a crazy person and - I believe - banned from a few dating sites, for some reason, the stigma surrounding me remains. I even had a run in with with a girl last month who called me out for supposedly being "just another typical dodgy tranny chaser" - which under the circumstances was funny, considering this girl once stood me up on a date!

I think there are really three lessons to be learned by this: 1) hell hath no furry like the women scorned; 2) the transgender world is a small one; 3) don't believe everything some you "know" on the internet tells you.


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