Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where have I been? (pt.1)

I maintained this blog, as well as its predecessor, for a fairly long time. But for reasons I'm not entirely sure about, though, I decided to take a break from blogging about a year and a half ago. So I thought whoever's out there might like a recap of what's been going on in the last 18-19 month.

Queue cheesy movie flashback squigly lines and fade to black and white...

In the Summer of 2008 I started corresponding with a girl via a dating site (actually, one of these days I ought to blog about trans-oriented dating sites). We talked via email, IM and phone for about four months; in fact, we talked and texted so much we had to start making rules for ourselves to not call during peak hours, because while all's fair in love and war, $400 phone bills ain't so sexy!

Finally, as a three-day holiday weekend approached, we made plans for me to visit her (we were living about 450 miles away for each other at the time). The fact that it took her 4-months to agree to meet me didn't seem odd at time; it actually seemed to make a lot of sense, somehow, but in hindsight, it ought to have been a red flag.

We actually spent three really chill days together, and in some ways, we really clicked. But in other aspects, there were obvious issues.

What came across as kinda cutely endearing neuroticisms over the phone, I realized in person, were seriously pathological anxieties. What seemed tough circumstances due to some seriously bad luck I realized emblematic of much deeper problems. What looked to be candid pictures turned out to be staged, retouched, highly selected, and, not always resent. Lastly (and honestly most troublingly) what seemed to be fierce loyalty and passionate romanticism I realized was actually intense possessiveness with possible stalker potential...

...because of those factors I, ultimately, decided not to pursue a relationship with her.

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